Vacation is Over! Yay!
Back to our regular lives again!
I only had to yell at Bug twice this morning to get her ready for school on time. I had anticipated at least three, so I was pleasantly surprised.
I finished Bug's Easter Bolero this weekend, but you'll have to wait until she models it at Easter with the whole ensemble, complete with pantyhose and heels. She's six. God help me. She'll probably want to shave her legs.
And now I'm working on a set for an etsy customer. I ordered the yarn from another etsy seller, Fearless Fibers and it is just so lovely to work with. It's really a shame I'm working in 2 x 2 rib the whole time. This yarn screams to see some real action. Ah well, maybe I'll have some leftover.
Oh, here's the hat all finished. I'm awaiting payment. *poops taps her foot*
I only had to yell at Bug twice this morning to get her ready for school on time. I had anticipated at least three, so I was pleasantly surprised.
I finished Bug's Easter Bolero this weekend, but you'll have to wait until she models it at Easter with the whole ensemble, complete with pantyhose and heels. She's six. God help me. She'll probably want to shave her legs.
And now I'm working on a set for an etsy customer. I ordered the yarn from another etsy seller, Fearless Fibers and it is just so lovely to work with. It's really a shame I'm working in 2 x 2 rib the whole time. This yarn screams to see some real action. Ah well, maybe I'll have some leftover.
The other part of the set is a pair of ribbed legwarmers 18" long. I'm 9" into the first one. It's slow going. I have a tremendous urge to make some mittens just to get the taste out of my mouth.
I think I've decided to make a Lopi sweater for Larry T. for Christmas next year. It will probably take me that long to get up the nerve to steek. I think I'm going to make some more sweaters for the girls first. Something dainty and cute for spring, and chilly summer nights.
Not much else is new around here. Bug's Girl Scout Cookies came in and we're in the process of delivering the cookies. I have 63 boxes in my kitchen. I feel like a heroin addict working in a smack factory...
I'm going to mass at 6 tonight. I like night mass during the week. No frills. Very lent-y. Or is it lent-ish? Take your pick.
On Ash Wednesday I went to church way early to get away from my children. I told Fr. Albert that church was my happy place. He said he felt bad for me....
Nice hat!
Welcome back to everyday life. It's always a bit of a readjustment, even after a short vacation.
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