Ask Poops, Please

Putting my two cents in.

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Location: Belmont, New Hampshire, United States

Born and bred in a small New England town, I am convinced that I know something about everything, and that my opinion matters. If only to me. Well, you'll see what I mean. And I love to knit, so you'll see what kind of things I'm doing when I should be vacuuming the living room.

Friday, November 30, 2007

I'm Knitting Again

Still not full of the mojo or anything, but I'm working on some Christmas gifts. I can't tell you what on the off chance that someone they're for actually reads this. But I'll take pics and share after the holidays, if that's okay.

I finally have the yarn I need to make a sweater as a custom order. It's a simple top down sweater with a lace front. Simple so I don't have to think too hard or work to much to make it fit, and the lace insert keeps me interested in the project.

I still have some stuff to photograph and put up in my etsy shop, I just haven't felt like doing it. I have some pretty mittens to offer too. I would do well not to wait until cold weather has gone by, I think.

I need a secretary.

So, we had our ultrasound on Wednesday. It's only one baby, it's the size and shape it should be, and the heartrate is normal and strong. All is well in babyland. Yay! I wish I had a scanner so I could share. The baby is sucking its thumb in the picture. All together now....awwwww!

I swear I can feel it move now and again. I know it's early, and I didn't feel the first two until I was 18 - 20 weeks along, but from time to time I get a fluttery feeling that is awfully familiar, and not in a gas bubble kind of way. Perhaps it's because it's the third time I've done this and I know what it feels like that I'm just more able to tell the difference between normal abdominal rumblings (of which I have much...curse you, brusssels sprouts!) and the flutterings of a tiny baby kicking up a fuss and saying "Hello, Mama! I'm here and doing fine!"

I officially printed up my Christmas list for Santa this week. My family has long believed in making lists of stuff you'd like to receive and passing it around so that you have a shot at actually getting some of it. I like to do mine with plenty of Print Shop graphics and appendices of shopping specs and catalog numbers whenever possible. My aunt dubbed it my Christmas "epistle" one year, and it stuck. Here's what's in the epistle this year...

Queen-size flannel sheets in white, yellow, lt. blue or lt. green. LL Bean ones would be swell, but I'm not fussy. Seriously, those double brushed Bean sheets never pill. They're amazing. Expensive, and worth every penny.

A digital food scale. I have a crappy mechanical one that I probably paid a buck for at one time. Time to upgrade, plus I'm thinking I could weigh fiber on it.

Those lovely Harmony wood needle sets that they have over at Knitpicks. How nice to have a set of interchangeable circs and matching dpns! And they're so pretty, did I mention that?

Oven mitts. Big, thick ones. I'm tired of burning my hands.

A card table and chairs. I could use it for when I entertain, which is rare, I'll admit. But who doesn't need a handful of folding chairs around, and I could use the card table at my craft fairs.

I'd like a headset for my phone, for hands-free talking. That way I wouldn't have to put my knitting down to chat.

Black socks. Big, thick, warm ones.

Sonicare brush heads. Do y'all have a Sonicare? You should get one. I haven't had a cavity since I got one. Seriously. Best. Toothbrush. EVER. I especially like the small heads. Comfy.

I need a niddy noddy! I just thought of it this morning and had to tell sister to add it to my list. Sure would make winding my spun fiber a lot easier.

For the Pooper, who is too little yet to make his/her own list, we could use some new crib sheets and receiving blankies. I like those stretchy thermal blankies quite a lot. And I gave our bucket seat to charity thinking I was all done having babies. I'm going to try to go back to St. Vincent and buy it back for myself, but in the event that it's gone, this kid is going to need something to chill out in. You know, while I knit and talk on the phone...

That's all I could think of this year.

Mind you, I've done naught but the tiniest bit of shopping so far myself, and haven't had the kids' Christmas pic taken, nor have I given much thought to Christmas cards or putting up the tree.

But hell, it's still November. Well, today it is, anyway. I shall postpone my panicking until tomorrow.


Blogger Batty said...

Awwwwww! That's just so cute. I'm glad baby is doing fine. Clearly, your offspring has decided that kung-fu is good exercise. Maybe you'll teach him/her to knit as a method of calming down an active child!

I don't have a Christmas list yet, but I'm tempted to just steal the one from Madonna's Santa Baby song... blank checks, diamonds and a house... sounds good to me!

1:40 PM  
Blogger ChestyLove said...

Yay for seeing the little pooper! And yes, I think you can feel something this early, esp. if it's not your know what to feel for.

And hey, I can direct you to some of the best socks in the world. Go to The Vermont Country Store and click on Apparel. They have some crazy warm comfy socks there. I've had a pair for about 6 years, and they last like iron.

4:48 PM  
Blogger Bezzie said...

Hm, I gave birth in black socks. Maybe come late spring you can too if Santa's nice!

7:35 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

AWWWWW. Bee bee is doing well. SO glad to hear!

Our family does the Christmas list thing too, and I LOVE it. Its genius really.

9:22 AM  

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