Ask Poops, Please

Putting my two cents in.

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Location: Belmont, New Hampshire, United States

Born and bred in a small New England town, I am convinced that I know something about everything, and that my opinion matters. If only to me. Well, you'll see what I mean. And I love to knit, so you'll see what kind of things I'm doing when I should be vacuuming the living room.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Take Three: Randomness

Randomocity. Randomnity. Randomliciousness.
With the end of summer comes the harvest. That there is Father Albert on the tractor with Miss Bobo riding in the wagon. He's coming up the lawn where he'll park and summon me and a basket and have me take my pick of the pick of the gardens. His green thumb enables me to fill the freezer with stuff like Crazed Monk Zucchini Bread

and my as-yet-unnamed but superlative Eggplant Parmesan. It was a good year for green peppers and eggplant, but a bad year for zucchini and tomatoes.

I made those zucchini breads for the Old Home Day bake sale. How pretty are those?

I also made these bracelets. I called them "Hunger Awareness Bracelets" and sold them at the fair with all the profits going to the food pantry. Did I mention how well we did that day? To recap: between the bake sale, craft fair, penny raffle, food sales from the kitchen, used book sale, and cash donations, we made almost exactly $1100.00. The Altar and Rosary matched that number and donated $2200 to the food pantry.

Speaking of eating, right before school started, Bobo lost her bottom two front teeth. The first one fell out on Grandpa's watch. She was eating some "Chef" (Bobo-speak for Beefaroni), and bit down on the spoon. Voila, one tooth out! The new tooth was already coming through. She never mentioned that it was even loose.

To tell you what kind of kid she is, I checked her other teeth for looseness and the one next to it was pretty loose too, so I was keeping an eye on it. One day she comes in and stares at me for a moment with absolutely no expression on her face. I grinned at her, and she grinned back at me and I saw that her second tooth was gone! I said, "What happened to your tooth?"

She replied, "*insert spitting noise* I spit it out."

"Where?" I asked.

"On the lawn," she said.

Her sister went out to look for it in the grass but naturally it didn't turn up. Only my kid loses a tooth, spits it out like it's no big deal to have parts of your head falling out, and then fails to mention it even in passing. Bug wrote a note for the the tooth fairy explaining that it was on the lawn somewhere, which the fairy must have bought because she left a nice blank journal for the Musings of Bobo.

And then before we knew it, summer was over.

Yay! First day of school! Cool mornings and warm afternoons! Cold nights and warm blankets and pj's!

Oh, I love fall.

Two girls off to the elementary school. Bug to the fourth grade...last year at the elementary school. Next year: middle school!

And Bobo is a kindergartener. Despite her expression, We really do Like Kindergarten.

Me: "What did you learn today?"

Her: "Stuff."

What do you expect from a kid that spits her tooth out and keeps playing?

Now that fall is upon us, things are starting up again. I'd forgotten how homebound summer can be for me. But tonight I have a catechists' meeting down at the church in which I get my class list for the year and so marks the point that I start preparing for classes.

Class has always been on Tuesday night, but because money is so tight and heating the church so expensive, they've decided to move all the religious ed classes to Sunday. Grades 1-5 meet between masses from 9-10:15 as always, but the middle grades (6, 7, & 8) will meet in the early evening from 5 to 6:15, and finally the confirmation prep classes will meet from 6:30 to 7:45. I rather like the streamlined-ness of having all the classes on one night.

Choir practices resume on Monday night.

Girls' open house at school on Tuesday, Altar and Rosary on Wednesday.

Oh, how I love fall!


Blogger Bezzie said...

Nice bread! And Bobo looks like the cover girl on that book--well, ok, their hair is the same! And now that I think about it, I had the same 'do when I was in kindergarten.

7:41 PM  
Blogger Zonda said...

I love fall too!! I so miss it up north too! Yummy looking breads. Congrats on the fund-raising. 15 y/o still says "stuff". Enjoy your fall!

8:29 PM  
Blogger ChestyLove said...

Must be somethin' in the air...I made a bunch of CMZBread this afternoon.

That pic of Fr Albert mowing and your daughter in the back is sooooo cute!

11:15 PM  
Blogger Batty said...

You realize this won't get better, right? When my sister was that age, the answer to, "What did you learn today?" was "Stuff." When she was a teenager, the answer was "Stuff" followed by a slamming door and loud techno music. It was only after she was done with high school that she became interested in talking about what she was learning.

That zucchini bread has me drooling. And your eggplant parm looks yummy too.

7:42 PM  

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