Ask Poops, Please

Putting my two cents in.

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Location: Belmont, New Hampshire, United States

Born and bred in a small New England town, I am convinced that I know something about everything, and that my opinion matters. If only to me. Well, you'll see what I mean. And I love to knit, so you'll see what kind of things I'm doing when I should be vacuuming the living room.

Friday, June 30, 2006

My Perfect Wedding

I've already had it, don't get excited. But showing off my wedding gown on the Knittyboard got me to thinking about my wedding day.

October 3, 1998. We originally wanted it for the 10th, but the Belknap Mill was booked for that day already, it being the date of the Annual Quilt Show, and since we decided that the hall was more important than the day, we moved it up a week.

We got married at St. Joseph's Church in Laconia. My parents were married there, it's a gorgeous church, and Father Gary has a much more liberal stance on couples living together before marriage than does St. Joseph's in Belmont. So that's where we went.

The day was absolutely perfect, weather-wise. Cool and sunny and bright, perfect for an afternoon wedding.

My cousin Carla did my hair in the morning, and we had a light lunch at my mother's house while we dressed. My sister was my maid of honor, and my husband's niece (mine too, now) was our flowergirl. Larry's best man was his brother Mike who introduced us in the first place.

The wedding was a traditional Catholic ceremony, but with no singing. I was afraid of getting stuck with a reedy soprano warbling out Ave Maria, so the organist and I picked out some classic hymns and she played them on St. Joe's kickass pipe organ. She raised the roof off the place with the Ode to Joy at the end. Pulled out all the stops, literally.

The reception was at the Belknap Mill in Laconia, just down the block from the church. It was on the third floor, and we decorated it in a fall theme with hay bales and pumpkins and cornstalks. The bar was an open one and suffice it to say that a good time was had by all.

Oh, and my dress was made by a seamstress friend of mine who also made the cake--which was delicious, by the way. Traditional white three layer cake with a flower top that matched my bouquet of fall florals.

I did all the embroidery on the gown, which consists of a jacket and full skirt.

Click here for a shot of the back detail.
Click here for a close-up of the front detail.

It was a beautiful day and it seems weird that it was almost 8 years ago. Time flies...


Blogger Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

That is Spectacular!! WOW!

10:16 AM  

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